
Please click the images below to experience the project.

Budgeting 101 Course

Purpose: This course was developed to aid a finance magazine with readership and advertisement through free eLearning courses that promote loyalty and trust in the brand.

Tools Used: Articulate Rise 360, Storyline 360, Google Workspace

Highlights: flip cards, tabs, hotspot, carousel, embedded Storyline reflection with text variables, and an assessment at the end.

Click the link below to see the project step by step.

Included: Design Document

Resident Application and Retention for Managers Course

Purpose: This course was designed to train leasing professionals and residential office managers on resident acquisition and retention through a blended learning solution: eLearning course and ILT with role-playing scenarios.

Tool used: Articulate Storyline 360, WellSaid Labs

Highlights: drag and drop, tabs, accordion, and a slider.  There is also an assessment at the end.

Click the links below to see the project step by step.

Included: Design Document, Storyboard, and Script